Sedation Dentistry

Is your child worried about getting a cavity filled? Do you need to have a serious procedure done and have sensitive teeth?
At Clearview Market Dental Care, our goal is to keep our patients comfortable no matter what dental care they need. If you need a solution beyond the calming atmosphere of our office, ask us about sedation dentistry in Red Deer.
When to Ask for Oral Sedation
Dr. Nar Gill may recommend oral sedation for patients with:
A low threshold for pain or especially sensitive teeth
Anxiety or stress over the procedure
A tendency to get restless in the dental chair
A sensitive gag reflex
Even if you are normally calm at the dentist, you may want a sedative if you require an intense or lengthy procedure. We can also give your child a sedative according to age and weight if he or she feels uncomfortable at the dentist.
What to Expect During Oral Conscious Sedation
Before your procedure, Dr. Gill will prescribe an oral conscious sedative. You’ll take this before your appointment and feel more relaxed before the procedure even starts.
We may also give you nitrous oxide—more commonly known as “laughing gas”—to enhance the calming effects of the oral sedative. As we start to work on your teeth, we will keep an eye on your vital signs and adjust the sedative as necessary. Most patients remain awake during treatment, but you will be calm and comfortable.
If we have prescribed an oral sedative during your procedure, you’ll need to ask a friend or family member to drive you home. Dr. Gill will walk you through any other precautions you should take before the procedure.